Thursday, 12 December 2019

The ayurvedic language for autism

A condition that involves problems with communication and behavior can be termed as autism. It is considered to be a minor issue or a disability which requires full-time care. Autism would lead to a psychiatric situation that will profoundly affect the personality, social interaction, and cognitive ability. 


Notice the signs
There are a few signs that need to be noticed and get the treatment on time. The symptoms would be as follows:
  • Hyperactivity
  • Issues with interactions
  • Disinterested in playing or sharing with others
  • Unable to understand emotions
  • Delayed speech and language skills
  • Hardly uses gestures
  • Different voice
  • Repetitive behaviors
  • Fixation on particular objects
  • Lack of coordination
  • Improper eating habits
  • Aggressive in nature
  • A short span of concentration
  • Impulsive
Ayurvedic treatment
To treat kids with autism or special kids, the doctor would recommend an ayurvedic treatment that provides a mixture of all the required therapies. Usually, ayurvedic treatment would begin in the morning with a gentle massage with the essential herbal oils and other necessary medications.

Early intervention programs can be provided from the first years for vocational training to make them better professionals. It focuses on improving the overall development of the child. The early intervention programs would ensure their education, therapies to improve behavior, social conduct, speech, and communication. The doctor will also focus on reducing parenting stress as this could have a direct impact on the child.

Using natural modalities such as a healthy diet, exercise, and lifestyle management, Ayurveda could help promote an optimal state of mind. With herbal medicines, oil massage, and brain stimulation techniques such as takra dhara and tala pothichil, Ayurveda could help restore and promote the child’s physical, psychological, and spiritual selves.

Timely audio integration, visual integration, olfactory integration, and exercises suggested by the doctor could help improve sensory-motor skills. This could help the child to balance social and emotional problems.

Unique teaching methods and special training aids will be provided for these special kids. Their educational goals are different; hence, the treatment would focus on these compelling grounds. Ayurvedic treatment ensures to assist with the intellectual ability of the child. 

Pranayama, asanas, and nada yoga can help improve the energy level of the child. With proper posture and meditation techniques, the doctor would help enhance the child’s personality and flourish their skills. 

With the touch and application of the ayurvedic treatment, the child will be able to get back and develop his skills.

Blog reviewed by:Dr Reshmi Pramod
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Thursday, 31 October 2019

Global Development Delays

GDD or Global Development Delays is a condition that occurs in children during their development stage that is between birth and 18 years. It stems from a delayed cognitive development where the child is diagnosed with low intellectual functioning than what is considered normal.


Usually, GDD is caused due to genetic abnormalities or chromosomal. The common causes of GDD are as follows:
  • Genetic abnormalities (Down syndrome & Fragile X syndrome)
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Prematurity
  • Infections
  • Poor nutrition
  • Child abuse
  • Congenital hypothyroidism
  • Exposure to tobacco and related products
Notice the sign 

Certain symptoms of GDD includes:
  • Delay in crawling, sitting and walking skills
  • Lacks social skills
  • Problems with communication
  • Aggressive behavior while coping up with others
  • Delay in developing gross motor skills
  • Limited conceptual ability
In certain children, the signs of GDD will be evident soon after birth, as there could be feeding difficulties or muscle tone. And in other children, the signs can be seen during school days with learning difficulties and other behavioral difficulties.

GDD treatment in Ayurveda

There are no single ways to treat GDD, yet there are various measures to help treat the conditions that cause a developmental delay in children. At times Ayurveda could play a vital role to help treat certain developmental delays in children. Ayurveda therapies like Shirodhara, Shiro Basti, are considered as effective and beneficial to improve the skills in children.

1.Shirodhara - An ayurvedic treatment that is usually practiced in the morning and evening. It is an effective method to promote sound sleep and helps to reduce stress. Shirodhara massage helps to improve memory, better concentration, treats chronic headaches, sleep problems, helps with mental stress, and helps to treat other degenerative conditions of the brain.

2. Shiro Basti - It is used for treatments concerned with brain, head, and other neurological diseases. It enhances the state of one’s well being and helps to overcome the health issues caused by neurological imbalances. Shiro Basti helps to promote intellectual skills and balances the brain and skull.

3. Certain herbal plants such as Brahmi, Shankapushpi, Jatamamsi, etc are used to treat such children as it acts as antidepressants, stimulants, and helps improve memory.
Learning Disability

Ayurvedic treatments can be safely combined with other therapies such as speech therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and others to treat developmental delays in children. Children aged above 6 or 7 years can practice yoga and pranayama as it could help treat developmental delay. At Jeevaniyam Ayurveda Hospital and Treatment Center, doctors provide a multidisciplinary approach and an integrated treatment to treat developmental delays in kids.

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Thursday, 24 October 2019

Does watching of digital mobile screen cause autisim in children below one?

 Autism is a scary word for new parents. Countless hours of prayer are spent in trying to ensure that the child is born healthy without any physical or mental disabilities. Autism is quite scary but is it preventable? 

Several studies have been done to find if there is any link between autism and screen time in children under one. These studies have shed light on this mystery .Although there is no clear consensus among these studies (as is the case with most scientific work), the majority of the results point to the idea that autism isn’t a necessary side-effect of increased screen time.

However, parents need to be on alert always since there is scientific research that suggests that increase in screen time during the formative years of the child can result in a significant cognitive slowdown in your children. 
Autism Treatment
 Such a level of cognitive slowdown can set your child back in academics and other extra curricular activities as he grows old. Therefore, how you control your child today in terms of his/her use of digital screens could have a lasting impact on the child’s life however; there is very little evidence to show that it causes children to be autistic.

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Thursday, 16 May 2019

Proper Ways Of Interacting With Children With Autism

About Autism

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a broad range of conditions that are characterized by several challenges including speech, repetitive behaviors, and nonverbal communications. Each person with autism has a unique set of challenges along with strengths. Around the world, 1 in 59 children is affected by this genetic disorder. One of the famous motivational speakers from Michigan, Anthony Ianni while speaking about autism said that “At the end of the day, we don’t dream our lives…WE LIVE THEM!”This quote rightly sums up the importance of living a normal and happy life for children affected with autism, and this can be done only with the active indulgence and help of their families and society.

Autism and Communication

One of the main challenges that the Autistic Children face is the disability to communicate. Most of them avoid eye contact and interaction with anyone. But quite a few of them love to communicate with people they know. With increasing age, most of these children develop a language to communicate (verbal or non-verbal). It is of utmost importance for the family members to try and understand their mode of language and communicate with them.

Although there is no cure for ASD, with the help of interaction and communication it is possible to help them lead a better social life. 

What are the proper ways to communicate with people with autism?

  • Being Patient: A child with ASD usually takes longer time to assess any kind of information. Slowing down the speed of the conversation can help.
  • Teaching the Child to express anger in a controlled manner: Children with autism usually get aggressive when they are angry. Counseling them from time to time on anger management is necessary.
  • Stay Positive:  Positive approach always helps children with ASD. Time to time appreciating and rewarding them after good work can help the open up.
  • Interacting with Physical Activity: Attention spans are very short in people with autism, especially while communicating. Helping them indulge in outdoor activities can help.
  • Be affectionate and Respectful: Children with autism may or may not like physical contact. Respecting them and providing them with their required space is paramount.
  • Showing love and interest: Children with Autism are usually unable to express their feelings but they seek love and attention like any other human being. Family members and friends must get out of their comfort zone and try to help them understand that they care and love.
  • Pick the Right Moment: It is not always the right time to speak with an autistic child. Each one of them has its own rhythms and schedule of behaviour patterns. Picking up the right moment to communicate with them can help.
  • If verbal communication doesn’t work, try writing or drawing to communicate
  • Make an effort to communicate with them. Let them know that you are always there in their need.
  • Pay Attention to their Non-verbal signals and try to understand their mode of language. If you can understand the pattern and reciprocate in a similar manner, communicating with them will be easier.
Jeevaniyam Ayurveda Hospital & Research Centre in Kochi help their patients to strive and get a better quality of life with the help of Ayurvedic medications, physiotherapy, yoga and several mental and personality training services. At Jeevaniyam you will find answers to all questions related to autism and will discover new ways to change your life for better. 

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Friday, 12 April 2019

Why Are Autistic Children More Prone To Gastric Problems?

Growing up, a person can face many challenges. Doing well at social interactions is one among them. But autism can turn your life upside down. It is a developmental disorder which is marked by difficulty in social interaction and communication and followed by restricted patterns of thought and behavior. The autistic disorder is most often accompanied by sensory sensitivities and issues like Gastro Intestinal disorders, seizures or sleep disorders. A patient suffering from autism also has a high chance of anxiety, depression and attention issues. If a child has an autistic disorder, the symptoms would be usually visible by the time the child is two or three years old. Difficulty in maintaining eye contact, poor motor skills and reduced sensory activities are all symptoms of an autistic disorder.

Normal Gut Microbiota vs Gut Microbiota in Autistic Children

Gut-Brain Axis refers to the biochemical signaling that takes place between the Gastro-Intestinal (GI) tract and the Central Nervous System. The term ‘microbiome-gut-brain axis’ refers to the role of gut flora in the signaling activity between the Gastro-Intestinal (GI) tract and the Central Nervous System. Gut flora is a community of microorganisms that live in the digestive tract of humans and animals. Gut microbiota contains the largest number of bacteria unlike other areas of the body. The gut flora is established in the human body by the age of two or three. By that time the intestinal epithelium and the intestinal mucosal barrier secreted by gut flora has co-developed for improved function. The gut microbiota in a normal body helps in the digestion of certain foods that were not properly digested in the stomach and small intestine. It also aids in the production of vitamin B and vitamin K.  Thus by combating harmful microorganisms and creating a barrier effect, the gut microbiota helps in boosting the immunity of the body. 

Most often, autism is linked to metabolic disorders of the gastrointestinal system. Abdominal pain, constipation, and diarrhea in autistic children are all symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders. Studies indicate that children with autistic disorder have different gut flora population. Any change in the composition of the microbiota can contribute to altered neurological and behavioral functions. In some cases, gastrointestinal disorders like a ‘leaky gut’ may occur where the intestine is excessively permeable and leaks the contents into the bloodstream. Thus a change in the gut flora population in autistic children leads to a variety of gastrointestinal issues. It can also alter the immune activation system leading to the inflammation of the intestinal tract.


Ayurvedic treatments for autism can yield effective results. The treatments provided aims at improving metabolic activity and include personalized Ayurveda therapies. Speech and language therapy and vocational training programs help the patients to improve their speech and overall communication skills. Sensory Integration program focuses on improving the senses in an autistic patient through repeated exercises. This is combined with yoga and music therapy programs to improve the overall condition of the patient.

Autism treatment in Ayurveda

With effective and innovative approach in Ayurvedic treatment, Jeevaniyam Ayurveda Hospital and Treatment Center offers relief to all suffering from autism. The personized therapies will give effective results including better motor functions and communication skills for autistic patients. They also offer effective Ayurvedic treatment for gastric problems which is observed in Autistic patients.

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Thursday, 31 January 2019

Cerebral Palsy Can Affect Mental Capabilities And Health

Childhood is filled with so much wonder and happiness. It is also the period when a child is most vulnerable to diseases. Cerebral Palsy is a disorder that affects the muscle tone, movement, and motor skills of a child. The disease usually strikes before or during childbirth or when the child is between three to five-years-old. Abnormal development or damage to certain areas of the brain can result in Cerebral palsy. It can even result in permanent disorders that hinder movement. Poor coordination, stiff muscles, and tremors are the common symptoms of Cerebral Palsy.

Cerebral Palsy and the Damage caused to the Brain

The brain has a major role in controlling and coordinating motor functions. Any injury to the brain can have adverse effects on the coordination and movement of the individual. Following are the types of Cerebral Palsy and the areas of the brain affected by the disease.

Damage to the brain’s motor cortex and the pyramidal tracts results in Spastic Cerebral Palsy.  The motor cortex controls voluntary movement, and pyramidal tracts help to relay signals to the muscles. Any damage to the right side of the motor cortex results in impairment on the left side of the body and vice versa. Uncontrolled reflexes, stiffness in one part of the body are symptoms of Spastic Cerebral Palsy.

Cerebral Palsy Treatment in Kerala

Damage to the brain’s basal ganglia or cerebellum results in Athetoid Cerebral Palsy. Basal ganglia play a major role in regulating the voluntary motor function along with the movement of the eyes. Balance and coordination of the body is controlled by the cerebellum. The symptoms of Athetoid Cerebral Palsy include stiffness of the body, accompanied by problems in maintaining body posture.

Ataxic Cerebral Palsy is caused by damage to the cerebellum. Difficulty while speaking, problems with depth perception are the common symptoms of Ataxic Cerebral Palsy.

When more than one type of Cerebral Palsy is involved, it could be a result of Mixed Cerebral Palsy. The disease has the characteristic features of multiple brain injuries.

Cerebral Palsy can be quite challenging for young children. Being unable to move, speak, or live like their peers can put a lot of mental pressure on them. With proper care and attention, patients suffering from Cerebral Palsy can lead a normal life.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Cerebral Palsy

Ayurvedic treatment for Cerebral Palsy includes a combination of Rooksha and Sidha Therapy that helps in the effective and uninterrupted flow of body fluids. Medicated oil massages for head and the body along with Panchakarma therapies like Nasyam and Vasthi helps in relaxing the muscles and improves overall muscle coordination. A combination of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and sensory integration therapy helps in improving the overall health condition. All these medications aim at improving the neuroplasticity of the brain. This factor refers to the ability of the brain to form new cells, to repair damaged cells, and also re-organize the different sections of the brain.

Cerebral Palsy Treatment in Kerala

At Jeevaniyam Ayurveda Hospital and Treatment Center, you can find relief from Cerebral palsy. Find effective Ayurvedic treatments that aim at improving muscle coordination and overall mobility. Cerebral Palsy Treatment in Ayurveda can yield desired results if administered properly. Along with improving the overall health of your children, Jeevaniyam has also introduced academic sessions as part of their educational programme.

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Saturday, 19 January 2019

Cerebral Palsy And Transition To Adulthood: To Be Taken Care Of

“Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional”. Growing and accepting the changes that pose to one’s life is something that befits the reality and yes, that is the best part of the same. Concurrently, there also occurs instances where growing up and moving to adolescence summons more confronts to a few people. Cerebral palsy is a group of disease conditions that affect muscle movement and neural coordination. This can affect the child’s muscle tone, motor skills and movement. Hence, the transition to adulthood can be difficult and calls must strength to come over them.

Jeevaniyam Ayurvedic Hospital and Research Centre, has been contributing much towards the cerebral palsy treatment in Kerala with a high rate of success rate in the lifestyle management of the children. Adulthood, the age when children tend to show high activity and movements, delimit the children with cerebral palsy from the activities that their mind crave for. This can lead to depression in them. We, at Jeevaniyam, provide special training for them to make it easy at the physiological and mental level. Mind clearing exercises and yoga helps them to detain from depression.

Also, the motor difficulties can increase anger in them and at times, might fall back in managing it. The mental stress they handle can be made smooth and effortless through the massages and treatments using medicated oils and herbs. Also, children might find it difficult in active socialization and speech issues which are solved through the Ayurveda therapies. Ayurveda treatments to enhance the mobility and motor skills of the children are also provided along with physiotherapy.

Cerebral Palsy treatment in Ayurveda in Kochi, considers CP to be a multifactorial condition of Sahaja, jataja, garbhaja. It focuses on Vata Vyadhi to handle the symptoms of CP. Panchakarma treatments along with the ayurvedic treatments like Abhyangam, Nasya, Pothichil can help restore the motor skills and mental health of the children when they transform into adulthood.

Jeevaniyam provides intense care and opportunities for your kid to get through the difficult phases and to rise up in flying colours. So, worry not for we offer the help in plenty!

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