Saturday, 7 November 2020

Behavioural Disorders in Children

When it comes to children almost all of them are often naughty, sometimes a little defiant and impulsive too. Though, this kind of behaviour is often considered to be normal, tantrums that occur a little too frequently can be worrisome for the parents.

What are Behavioural Disorders?

When a child shows a pattern of disruptive behaviour that leads to problems at home, school and in the peer group, it may be referred to as a behavioural disorder. It is rare that a child who is below 5 years of age would receive a diagnosis of a behavioural disorder, nevertheless, he/she may show symptoms of a disorder that may be diagnosed later in their childhood, for instance:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Anxiety Disorder
  • Depression
  • Learning Disorder

What Causes Behavioural Disorders in Children?

Though the exact causes of major behavioural disorders are not really known, there are certain risk factors that include:

    • Gestation

A difficult or risky pregnancy, premature birth, birth weight abnormalities can cause a behavioural disorder later in life.

    • Gender of the Child

Behavioural disorders are found more commonly in boys as compared to girls.

    • Temperament of the Child

A child who shows aggression early in life is more likely to develop a behavioural disorder in life.

    • Dysfunctional Families

Children who grow up in an abusive household, broken family, poor environment tend to develop behavioural disorders.

Can Behavioural Disorders be Treated?

If such disorders are left untreated, they can make a child grow up to become a dysfunctional adult. Early intervention can greatly help a child in the long run. The following can contribute too:

  • Parental Education
  • Family Therapy
  • Treatment of Associated Problems
  • Encouragement
  • Medication


Raising children is never easy, but if your child is showing behavioural disorders, the sooner you realise it, the better. Many of these disorders have symptoms that are displayed by many children but remember, the behaviours that last for over 6 months and disrupt a child’s personality and functioning are the ones that may be called a disorder and thus, may be diagnosed.

Blog reviewed by:Dr Reshmi Pramod
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Friday, 19 June 2020

Children with special needs, their immunity and Ayurveda

In part one of this series, we had talked about Ayurveda, immunity and children with special needs in a general, introductory way. Here, in part two, we will go into immunity and Ayurveda in this context in greater detail.

Children with special needs are those who, because of emotional, learning or medical problems need extra care in their lives, and they are put in an “Immunodeficient” category, susceptible to many medical issues, and that is what Ayurveda tries to correct.

This branch of Ayurveda is called Kaumarbhritya, a part of Ashtanga Ayurveda, and is concerned with the prevention and cure of childhood diseases.

Immunity is the “condition of being able to resist a particular disease especially through preventing the development of a pathogenic organism or by counteracting the effects of its products.” 
Human immunity is provided by two cooperating defence mechanisms called, NonSpecific Innate Immunity and Specific Acquired Immunity. 

NonSpecific repels all microorganisms equally, while Specific creates its response specifically to one particular organism. Both, thus work together to prevent harmful organisms from entering and breeding inside the body.

It is here that Ayurveda with its concept of whole-body healing; treating mind, body and spirit as one; becomes an effective method. It modulates or tunes or enhances the body’s immune responses by nonspecifically activating immunity using what are called Immunomodulatory Agents, often of plant/herbal origin. Ayurveda enhances the body’s natural resistance as a whole, rather than against one particular condition.

While medication, based on Brahmi, Shankhpushpi and Jatamansi; and therapies like Shirodhara and Shirobasti, have been found beneficial, current research has found that a holistic programme, starting early, is most effective.

These include sensory integration techniques, music therapy, exercises for the brain and yoga. This integrated approach has been found effective in treating children with cerebral palsy, autism, learning disabilities and hyperactivity.

Combining Ayurveda with physiotherapy and speech therapy also helps in developing fine motor skills, cognitive skills and functional skills.

Blog reviewed by:Dr Reshmi Pramod
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Thursday, 30 April 2020

Ayurveda propels strong immunity for special children

A fundamentally preventive approach can be termed as the step of Ayurveda as it plays a major role in one’s well-being. Treating all the imbalances and neurological problems, Ayurveda would bring out optimal health in special children. This would help to function in all the life cycles and energies in a natural way to improve strength, resilience, and vibrant health.

Ayurveda describes immunity in their beej-bhumi theory. If the human body is filled with toxins or ama and lacking in ojas, the infection will spread faster. However, if digestion and Ojas are strong then ama will predominate in the body thus, the infection will not spread faster. Natural exposure, vaccination, nutrition, age, and physical stress would be considered certain factors that affect the immunity of an individual.

Normally, immunity falls into 3 types such as innate, adaptive, and passive. Everyone is born with an innate or natural immunity that helps general protection. As individuals, we develop adaptive immunity based on certain exposures. And passive immunity is what we borrow from other sources which lasts for a short period. 

Usually, the immune system takes a while to develop and would require certain vaccines. The child needs to receive the required vaccines mandatorily at the right age which helps to keep the child healthy and strong. 

The digestive system plays a major role in the immune system. As the seasons change from hot to cold, the Agni or digestive fire will start to fluctuate dramatically. The diet and routine need to be adjusted with the appropriate ayurvedic guidelines to build up the strength. Thus, it is understood that the principles of good digestion would include Agni, Ojas, and Ama. Good digestion would be the right measure to get cured or prevent a lot of health issues in the human body. 

Immunity would differ for children who have autism, cerebral palsy, or neurological disorders. Autism primarily affects the functioning of the brain as it is a neurodevelopmental disorder. These kids would show severe social and behavioral developmental problems. Kids with cerebral palsy would find it difficult to have a clear functioning of the neural ways. This could affect posture, walking, and related movements. All these neurological disorders can be treated with the help of physical therapy, medications, certain lifestyle changes, and the required ayurvedic measures. 


Certain tips to keep a child healthy and strong

Dinacharya - habits of daily living will help support life with optimal wellness through routine, detoxification, and nourishment. This has to be practiced as the first thing in the morning as it would help maintain a connection to the sleep-wake cycle. Tongue cleaning, brushing, flossing, oil massage, and clearing the bowel would come under the daily routine. 

Prathimarsha Nasya - a procedure of administering medicines through the nasal route. Pratimarsha Nasya needs to be practiced daily after waking up, brushing, and after all the other regular activities as well. This procedure helps to keep the sensory organs healthy, prevents nasal respiratory issues, improves eye health, delays greying of hair, prevents deafness, strengthens the denture, neck, and temporomandibular joints, face muscles, relieves fatigue and alleviates Vatha dosha. 

Herbal gargling - gargling is a traditional method to heal a lot of throat related issues and to improve one’s oral health. It also helps to clean out the germs and bacteria in the nasal passage before it gets into the bloodstream to weaken immunity. It is recommended to use turmeric, ginger, and related herbal-based elements to gargle. 

Breathing exercises or pranayama - prana is considered to be the breath and ayam is to control. Prana must be required to fulfill one’s dharma and accomplish goals. By controlling the breath, ayam would direct one’s energy where it is required. If pranayama is practiced regularly then the mind awakens, energy will be cultivated and balance is well maintained. 

Sensory integration therapy - a therapy that involves specific sensory activities to help special children to respond to light, sound, touch, smells, and other required inputs. 

Balanced diet - normally, after checking the Prakrithi traits of the special children, certain immunity-boosting food will be suggested. This would include leafy vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains. However, the ayurvedic diet would include cooking vegetables in digestive spices such as ginger, garlic, cinnamon, and turmeric.

Better sleep pattern - Sleeping habits should be patterned well and an oil massage can help increase the natural immunity to sleep better. It is recommended to focus on positivity before sleeping to improve the sleep pattern. Positivity plays an essential role in boosting immunity. 

Lifestyle changes - physical activity is important for a child as it helps to improve blood circulation, balance the energy levels, and supports the flow of nutrients. Physical activities can help detox mechanisms in the body and reduce the early onset of any problematic issues that can cause stagnation. A proper routine can create a sense of safety, trust, and stability for the child’s nervous system which will help with good health.

Yoga or exercise - it is always good to remain fit mentally and physically as it helps to improve bodily functions better. Certain asanas and a little bit of meditation will help special children to improve their cognitive and behavioral skills. Meditation would help reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and high blood pressure. It also helps to build a connection with the inner self, improves memory, focus, mental discipline, and sleep pattern. 

Medications -  there would be certain medications given to special children while under treatment. This needs to be divinely consumed to complete the treatment right. 

At Jeevaniyam, the team provides accurate ayurvedic measures to improve the special children’s immunity within the stipulated time. Each kid will receive specialized and individualized products for the promised results. 

Blog reviewed by:Dr Reshmi Pramod
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Saturday, 29 February 2020

What to expect during cerebral palsy treatment?

Cerebral palsy is a group of neurological disorders. This condition negatively impacts the communication between the brain and the muscles, causing a permanent state of uncoordinated movement and posturing. Several problems, such as lack of oxygen to the brain, genetic conditions, infections, brain hemorrhage, severe cases of jaundice, and injury to the head can cause CP. Some other risk factors of cerebral palsy are:
  • Prematurity
  • Blood clotting disorders
  • Very low birth weight (especially in babies weighing less than 1.5kg)
  • Viruses
  • Chemical/substance abuse during pregnancy
  • Infection
  • Bleeding in the brain
  • Trauma
  • Complications of labor and delivery
 Cerebral Palsy

Ayurvedic Management of cerebral palsy:

Jeevaniyam Ayurveda Hospital and Research Centre diagnose and treats infants, children, and adolescents with cerebral palsy with the help of Ayurveda. Ayurveda has been effective in managing cerebral palsy and has shown excellent results. Cerebral palsy can not be fully cured. However, ayurvedic treatment can reduce disability and improve the functioning of your child to a great extent. The ayurvedic treatment focuses on treating the presenting symptoms and attempting to reverse the brain damage.

What to expect?

Ayurvedic herbs used to treat cerebral palsy have several advantages. These medicines show miraculous effects such as:
  • Improves the functional capacity of the brain
  • Regeneration of damaged brain cells 
  • Prevents or reduces convulsions
  • Formation of the muscles and tissues
  • Improves the nerve conduction and muscular coordination 
  • Panchakarma therapy has proved to be effective in managing Cerebral Palsy. It is the ultimate mind-body healing experience for detoxification of the body, for strengthening the immune system, to restore balance and wellbeing. 

The following are the benefits of panchakarma therapies that are useful in treating the condition. 
  • Reduces the increased muscle tone
  • Improves muscle bulk and power in CP
  • Increases the blood flow locally
  • Increases tendon extensibility and provides pain relief
  • Facilitates the free movement of the joints 
  • prevents the development of deformities and contractures 
  • Reduces spasticity 
  • Brings lightness in the body
  • Improves appetite and relieves pain 
  • Opens the minute channels
  • Improves blood as well as lymphatic circulation
  • Practicing yoga helps children with cerebral palsy to strengthen muscles, stretches the body, improves flexibility and motion range in joints, and overall mobility. 
 Cerebral Palsy

If your children show any signs of cerebral palsy and are suffering in silence, seek immediate medical attention. Book an appointment at Jeevaniyam Ayurveda Hospital and Research Centre and help your child.

Blog reviewed by:Dr Reshmi Pramod
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