Saturday, 7 November 2020

Behavioural Disorders in Children

When it comes to children almost all of them are often naughty, sometimes a little defiant and impulsive too. Though, this kind of behaviour is often considered to be normal, tantrums that occur a little too frequently can be worrisome for the parents.

What are Behavioural Disorders?

When a child shows a pattern of disruptive behaviour that leads to problems at home, school and in the peer group, it may be referred to as a behavioural disorder. It is rare that a child who is below 5 years of age would receive a diagnosis of a behavioural disorder, nevertheless, he/she may show symptoms of a disorder that may be diagnosed later in their childhood, for instance:

  • Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
  • Anxiety Disorder
  • Depression
  • Learning Disorder

What Causes Behavioural Disorders in Children?

Though the exact causes of major behavioural disorders are not really known, there are certain risk factors that include:

    • Gestation

A difficult or risky pregnancy, premature birth, birth weight abnormalities can cause a behavioural disorder later in life.

    • Gender of the Child

Behavioural disorders are found more commonly in boys as compared to girls.

    • Temperament of the Child

A child who shows aggression early in life is more likely to develop a behavioural disorder in life.

    • Dysfunctional Families

Children who grow up in an abusive household, broken family, poor environment tend to develop behavioural disorders.

Can Behavioural Disorders be Treated?

If such disorders are left untreated, they can make a child grow up to become a dysfunctional adult. Early intervention can greatly help a child in the long run. The following can contribute too:

  • Parental Education
  • Family Therapy
  • Treatment of Associated Problems
  • Encouragement
  • Medication


Raising children is never easy, but if your child is showing behavioural disorders, the sooner you realise it, the better. Many of these disorders have symptoms that are displayed by many children but remember, the behaviours that last for over 6 months and disrupt a child’s personality and functioning are the ones that may be called a disorder and thus, may be diagnosed.

Blog reviewed by:Dr Reshmi Pramod
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