Monday, 20 December 2021

Ayurvedic Perspective of Autism -Dr.Reshmi Pramod


Ayurvedic Perspective of Autism

To know and understand the hassles of autism, you need to be up close to a person suffering from it. One of the most difficult factors of coping with autism is that the physical and emotional behaviour of one with autism keeps varying. Hence, it makes ASD a challenging one. This peculiarity of ASD makes it one of the hardest to deal with due to its severity.  Among the researches conducted for managing ASD in Ayurveda and Alternative medicine, The Agastya protocol is one of the most renowned ones. The Agastya protocol portrays great signs of management when it comes to ASD cases among patients.

Ayurveda is the famous traditional system of medicine practised in India thousands of years ago. The word implies the science of life in Sanskrit. In Ayurveda, we have 8 links known as Ashtanga and one of the major links is known as Kaumara Brityam which deals with the health issues of kids below the age of 16 years. This link details you to have a healthy prodigy and the various regimes to be practised to have a healthy individual right from infancy. This also suggests various medicines, treatments and procedures to be done to improve health, management of diseases and mental functions associated with children.

Neuro-developmental disorders are considered as the clinical manifestation of an angry Vaata dosha, one among the mighty tridoshas or basic functional units in most cases. Though it is stated that controlling Vata is a difficult task, many medicines & therapies are there to be done in such cases. 

According to Ayurveda studies, a new era in medical science has dawned with the realization of the critical role of the “forgotten organ”, the gut microbiota, in health and disease. Central to this beneficial interaction between the microbiota and host is the way bacteria and most likely other microorganisms contained within the gut communicate with the host’s immune system and participate in a variety of metabolic processes of mutual benefit to the host and the microbe.

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is characterized by stereotyped behaviour and deficits in communication and social interactions. Gastrointestinal (GI) Dysfunction is ASD-associated comorbidity, implying a potential role of the gut microbiota in ASD GI pathophysiology. Several recent studies found that autistic individuals harbour an altered bacterial gut microbiota. In some cases, remodelling the gut microbiota can alleviate the symptoms of ASD.

The gut consists of millions of microbiotas, and we hypothesize that the microbiota and its metabolites might be involved in the pathophysiology of ASD. In Ayurveda, all Psychosocial abnormalities have been included under the category of Unmada. A defective digestive and metabolic function are postulated as the root cause of Unmada, leading to systemic accumulation of metabolic wastes (Dhatu Gautama). The metabolic wastes act as systemic toxins and impair the functional integrity of the brain.

Ayurveda can give wonderful results in differently-abled children when united with supportive & integrated therapies. Proper diet, lifestyle modifications and organic herbal formulations can help the child’s body systems function in a better way.  

One of the primary treatment protocols in Ayurveda is Ama Chikilsa in which Ama means – Undigested Food Particles transformed into toxins”. In this protocol, the first step of treatment should always be the management of ama which is the root cause of that disease. This will help in metabolic correction and detoxification of the body, which in return will give the kid a better appetite and stabilize the brain stress that is created by ama.

At Jeevaniyam, with the unique blend of Ayurveda we use the Agastya protocol to manage ASD at three levels: 

  • At the bodily level starting with Ama Chikilsa which takes out the toxins and heavy metals from your body clearing channels which in turn results in improvement of the microbiome in the gut, resetting the metabolism to an appropriate manner. 
  • At the mental level by correcting the higher mental functions and correcting the brain pathogenesis.
  • At the conscious level correcting the energy mechanism or the biological rhythm.

Along with the ayurvedic protocols we also have regular integrated therapies are also performed. We also introduce dietary and lifestyle inventions throughout the treatment period that enhances the kid to face challenges and cross all the obstacles that can make them a better person in society. 

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Developmental Delays in Children with ASD

Understanding ASD

ASD or Autism Spectrum Disorder is a disorder of the brain that affects social communication with narrowed patterns of behavior and interests. This condition is described as a "spectrum” because no two people with ASD display similar signs and symptoms. Yet, social interactions,  body language, sensory input etc. are some of the common areas where an autistic child has problems.

Developmental Delays and ASD

A typical child’s development is monitored with developmental milestones like smiling, rolling over, and sitting up in the early months to learning language, physical, cognitive and emotional skills at later stages. Children with ASD struggle to reach all of their developmental milestones in the appropriate time. Parents should watch out for the following problems in their children at an early age:

  •     Inability to play with simple toys and puzzles
  •     Inability to speak complete sentences
  •     Does not make eye contact
  •     Do not comprehend simple instructions
  •     Does not play with other children and avoid social interactions

Early Intervention Programme at Jeevaniyam

The early intervention programme curated at Jeevaniyam provides support for children with ASD to deal with their developmental delays and other additional needs. It includes therapies like behavior therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, medicines, education and all other support required to help children develop the skills to perform their everyday activities. We offer a multidisciplinary approach to help kids communicate better, develop their social skills, bring down repetition and bad behavior, help them learn and understand better and also to be safe by  taking care of themselves. If you think your child has delayed developmental milestones, book an appointment with us, as the earlier the diagnosis the better it is for the child.

Blog reviewed by:Dr Reshmi Pramod
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Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Training Special Children to an Inclusive Education

While raising a child with special needs, one of the biggest dilemmas the parents face is about the kind of education that will suit the child. Educating them with a trained instructor who specializes in special needs education or giving them integrated/inclusive education along with other students can be a difficult decision to make. Although a special needs class will have teachers with strong professional backgrounds working with special needs students, some parents believe that this separate learning environment leads to segregation rather than equal education. This is the reason why inclusive learning environments are growing popular.

Inclusive education means to educate children with special needs in a mainstream school along with children who do not have disabilities, instead of a special needs school. This inclusive approach may have many benefits to the special child like:

  • It exposes the child to face the general atmosphere
  • The quality of education and classroom environment will remain same
  • Children without disabilities act as models to help them learn social skills and make them more independent
  • Removes the social stigma of being differently abled due to early sensitization

Being in a normal classroom itself can be a great learning experience for the special needs child. At Jeevaniyam, we provide training for your child to get adapted in a normal school environment by increasing their sitting tolerance and attention span, improving their writing and social skills, helping them follow the teacher's instructions and reduce behaviors that can harm others. With our support, you can go forward to get the best education for your child.

Blog reviewed by:Dr Reshmi Pramod
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Friday, 19 March 2021

What’s the Importance of sound sleep?

Needless to mention that a sound sleep is incredibly significant for one’s health. A sound sleep is as important as eating healthy & exercising. As far as children are concerned, lack of sleep may adversely affect their physical as well as mental growth. Sleep deprivation among children is not only detrimental to their wellbeing but also disrupts life of parents.

What is the difference between melatonin & serotonin?

 Melatonin facilitates relaxed and restful sleep while serotonin is a feel-good hormone that enhances positivity & relaxation. Both these hormones perform opposite tasks but they must work in harmony to keep the body balanced.

How lifestyle affects sleep?

Lifestyle is one of the major causes behind sleep deprivation. Parents must try to develop a regular sleep-wake schedule among children. Besides, they can also set a pre-bedtime routine like doing something every night before going to bed.

How food and sleep are interlinked?

Regular meals facilitate setting our biological clock & helps balance our sleep-wake rhythm. Children must take dinner several hours before bedtime. Also make sure that they are not eating snack in the middle of the night.


 The causes of sleep problems in autistic children may include anxiety, night terrors and nightmares, bedwetting, illnesses and health conditions, biological causes, snoring, social communication difficulties, restless sleep, etc.


 Lack of proper sleep may have serious adverse effects on a child's life & overall health. Studies suggest that the following problems are associated with children with autism:

  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Behavioral problems
  • Poor learning & cognitive performance
  • Hyperactivity

Studies also suggest that the parents of children with autism also sleep less and may have poor sleep quality. They also wake up earlier than parents of children without autism.


 Ayurvedic interventions offer the use of detoxification and purification therapies to reduce the effect of triggering factors. Ayurvedic Treatment focuses to remove any stress (external and internal) that the child may be undergoing, promotes a healthy lifestyle & slowly leads to normal sleep patterns.


Jeevaniyam provides very effective and advanced Ayurvedic treatment to children with ASD to get rid of sleeping problems. Besides ayurveda treatment, Jeevaniyam provides music therapy, sensor integration therapy ,life style management and Humigation.

Sensory integration therapy helps children with sensory-processing problems like ASDs. The therapy is designed in a play-oriented manner and includes the use of equipment like slides, trampolines and swings. Sensory integration therapy clams an anxious child and improves child’s threshold for facing sensory-rich environments.

Music therapy enhances sleep because of its effects on the regulation of hormones. Music therapy reduces the level of stress hormone cortisol and triggers the release of good hormone dopamine. This therapy improves sleep by soothing autonomic nervous system. Physical & psychological responses to music are found to be effective in triggering sound sleep.

Fumigating is another therapy to facilitate sound sleep. Under this therapy, the room is fumigated with medicated powders and builds suitable environment.

Blog reviewed by:Dr Reshmi Pramod
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Saturday, 23 January 2021

Importance of Sensory Integration in ASD

Sensory disorders in ASD ( Autism Spectrum Disorder) refer to the dysfunctional sensory system of a child or an adult with autism. Along with developmental disabilities, sensory problems are being recognised to be a major cause of behavioural issues such as hand-flapping, spinning and rocking. Sensory dysfunctions are considered to be quite disabling as they greatly interfere with various everyday activities.

What is Sensory Integration?

A therapy-based intervention, sensory integration is used to help children and adults to use all their senses, such as taste, touch, smell, hearing and sight, together. Many therapists strongly feel that such an intervention can also be very helpful for those autistic children who have difficulties in emotional regulation.

What does Sensory Integration involve?

Sensory Integration is an occupational therapy that is offered by specially trained occupational therapists. It involves various sensory activities that further help a child to respond to light, sound, smell and other inputs appropriately. The result of such techniques is improved behaviour, lowered anxiety levels and also better focus. Many experts, therefore, believe that Sensory Integration makes a real difference as it helps children manage their cravings and sensitivities.

How does Sensory Integration work?

Let us take a look at the various aspects of sensory integration therapy:

  • Sensory and motor activities
  • Basic Adaptations in the Environment
  • Sensory Diet Programmes
  • Education to parents, family members, caregivers about the sensory functions and ways and means to diminish the negative impact on the child or adult with autism.

Over the past few years, there have been many kinds of researches and studies that have shown the effectiveness of sensory integration therapy for individuals with autism. Today, this therapy is considered to be one of the most utilised and requested interventions for autism.

Blog reviewed by:Dr Reshmi Pramod
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