Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Developmental Delays in Children with ASD

Understanding ASD

ASD or Autism Spectrum Disorder is a disorder of the brain that affects social communication with narrowed patterns of behavior and interests. This condition is described as a "spectrum” because no two people with ASD display similar signs and symptoms. Yet, social interactions,  body language, sensory input etc. are some of the common areas where an autistic child has problems.

Developmental Delays and ASD

A typical child’s development is monitored with developmental milestones like smiling, rolling over, and sitting up in the early months to learning language, physical, cognitive and emotional skills at later stages. Children with ASD struggle to reach all of their developmental milestones in the appropriate time. Parents should watch out for the following problems in their children at an early age:

  •     Inability to play with simple toys and puzzles
  •     Inability to speak complete sentences
  •     Does not make eye contact
  •     Do not comprehend simple instructions
  •     Does not play with other children and avoid social interactions

Early Intervention Programme at Jeevaniyam

The early intervention programme curated at Jeevaniyam provides support for children with ASD to deal with their developmental delays and other additional needs. It includes therapies like behavior therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, medicines, education and all other support required to help children develop the skills to perform their everyday activities. We offer a multidisciplinary approach to help kids communicate better, develop their social skills, bring down repetition and bad behavior, help them learn and understand better and also to be safe by  taking care of themselves. If you think your child has delayed developmental milestones, book an appointment with us, as the earlier the diagnosis the better it is for the child.

Blog reviewed by:Dr Reshmi Pramod
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